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  1. 0b8292d Fixed idempotency bug and added explicit idempotency test. by Christopher Cawdrey · 7 years ago master
  2. 1ada5fd Introduced cancel_all_bookings flag by Christopher Cawdrey · 7 years ago
  3. 34b54ad Added support for tls by Christopher Cawdrey · 7 years ago
  4. 34d3ce2 Fixed cancellation bug. by Christopher Cawdrey · 7 years ago
  5. 6e74599 Add instructions for installing utility with windows powershell. Also fixed log file creation bug for windows clients. by Christopher Cawdrey · 7 years ago

Maps Booking

This repo contains tools and code samples for partners that wish to integrate with Reserve

Testing Client

Before using the test utility, the Go programming language must be installed on your workstation. A precompiled Go binary for your operating system can be found here

This guide will assume you're using the default GOPATH and subsequent GOBIN. For a comprehensive explanation of the GOPATH env variable please see this document by the Go team.

Installing the utility with Linux

First, build your Go directory structure. A comprehensive guide on the intended structure of Go code can be found here.

mkdir -p $HOME/go/bin $HOME/go/pkg $HOME/go/src/

Next, add the following to your ~/.bashrc

export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)
export GOBIN=$(go env GOPATH)/bin

Source changes

source ~/.bashrc

Next, retrieve the utility from the maps-booking repository

git clone $HOME/go/src/

Lastly, download all dependencies and install the tool.

cd $HOME/go
go get -d ./...
go install $HOME/go/src/

Installing the utility with Windows Powershell

First, build your Go directory structure. A comprehensive guide on the intended structure of Go code can be found here.

md $env:HOME\go\bin
md $env:HOME\go\pkg
md $env:HOME\go\src\\maps-booking

Next, set the appropriate environment variables

$env:PATH = $env:PATH + ";" + (go env GOPATH) + "\bin"
$env:GOPATH = (go env GOPATH)
$env:GOBIN = (go env GOPATH) + "\bin"

Next, retrieve the utility from the maps-booking repository

git clone $env:HOME\go\src\\maps-booking\

Lastly, download all dependencies and install the tool.

cd $env:HOME\go
go get -d .\...
go install $env:HOME\go\src\\maps-booking\testclient\main.go

Using the utility

After following the install steps above an executable should now live in




All available flags can be displayed using the ‘--help’ flag. The currently accepted flags are:

    Whether to test all endpoints.
-availability_feed string
    Absolute path to availability feed required for all tests except health.
    Feeds can be in either json or pb3 format
    Whether to test the GetBookingStatus endpoint.
    Whether to test the CreateBooking endpoint.
-ca_file string
    Absolute path to your server's Certificate Authority root cert.
    Downloading all roots currently recommended by the Google Internet
    Authority is a suitable alternative
    This option assumes that the ListBookings and UpdateBooking endpoints
    are fully functional. This is a convenience flag for purging your system
    of all previously created bookings.
    Whether to test the CheckAvailability endpoint.
    Whether to test the Health endpoint.
    Whether to test the ListBookings endpoint
-num_test_slots int
    Maximum number of slots to test from availability_feed. Slots will be
    selected randomly (default 10)
-output_dir string
    Absolute path of dir to dump log file.
    Whether to test the UpdateBooking endpoint.
-rpc_timeout duration
    Number of seconds to wait before abandoning request (default 30s)
-server_addr string
    Your grpc server's address in the format of host:port
    (default "")
-servername_override string
    Override FQDN to use. Please see README for additional details
    Whether to enable TLS when using the test client. Please review the before attempting to use this flag.

Example Usage:

bin/main -health_check_test=true -check_availability_test=true
-output_dir="/tmp" -server_addr="”

Enabling TLS

Using the TLS feature of this utility is slightly more complicated than the standard non-TLS runs and requires a few additional steps.

  • Begin by overriding your server‘s RootCAs file with the provided root.pem located in maps-booking/certs/root.pem. Details regarding your server’s root certs can be found on the [maps-booking developer site.] (

  • Point the ca_file flag of the client utility to the location of your original roots file. If you don't have one yet you can download these roots that have been recommended by the Google Internet Authority.

  • Enable TLS by setting the tls flag to true.

Example Usage:

bin/main -health_check_test=true -check_availability_test=true
-output_dir="/tmp" -server_addr="”
-availability_feed="/tmp/test.json" -tls -ca_file="/tmp/trusted_roots.pem"

Optional TLS Feature

It's possible to override the FQDN your client attempts to use during the TLS handshake. If you find a need to use an alias when testing your implementation, simply override using the servername_override flag.

Example Usage:

bin/main -health_check_test=true -check_availability_test=true
-output_dir="/tmp" -server_addr="localhost:50051”
-availability_feed="/tmp/test.json" -tls -ca_file="/tmp/trusted_roots.pem"

Parsing the output

The test utility will output a file with the prefix ‘grpc_test_client_log_’ followed by a timestamp in RFC3339 format. The output file contains a complete log of all Requests and Responses sent/received by the testing tool as well as diffs of the expected response in the event of errors. Similar to a compiler, an overview of the entire run can be found at the end of the file for user friendly digestion.