blob: 270b53965cfb6d0a2d89045d0ff08ae66be35623 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Package utils contains common BookingService based helper functions.
package utils
import (
mpb ""
fpb ""
// SlotKey is a struct representing a unique service.
type SlotKey struct {
MerchantID string
ServiceID string
StaffID string
RoomID string
// LogFlow is a convenience function for logging common flows..
func LogFlow(f string, status string) {
log.Println(strings.Join([]string{"\n##########\n", status, f, "Flow", "\n##########"}, " "))
// AvailabilityFrom parses the file specified in availabilityFeed, returning a random permutation of availability data, maximum entries specified in testSlots
func AvailabilityFrom(availabilityFeed string, testSlots int) ([]*fpb.Availability, error) {
LogFlow("Parse Input Feed", "Start")
defer LogFlow("Parse Input Feed", "End")
var feed fpb.AvailabilityFeed
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(availabilityFeed)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read input file: %v", err)
if path.Ext(availabilityFeed) == ".json" {
if err := jsonpb.UnmarshalString(string(content), &feed); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse feed as json: %v", err)
if path.Ext(availabilityFeed) == ".pb3" {
if err := proto.Unmarshal(content, &feed); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse feed as pb3: %v", err)
var finalAvailability []*fpb.Availability
var rawAvailability []*fpb.Availability
for _, sa := range feed.GetServiceAvailability() {
rawAvailability = append(rawAvailability, sa.GetAvailability()...)
if len(rawAvailability) == 0 || testSlots == 0 {
return finalAvailability, errors.New("no valid availability in feed, exiting workflows")
if len(rawAvailability) <= testSlots {
finalAvailability = rawAvailability
} else {
nums := rand.Perm(len(rawAvailability))[0:testSlots]
for _, n := range nums {
finalAvailability = append(finalAvailability, rawAvailability[n])
log.Printf("Selected %d slots out of a possible %d", len(finalAvailability), len(rawAvailability))
return finalAvailability, nil
// ValidateBooking performs granular comparisons between all got and want Bookings.
func ValidateBooking(got *mpb.Booking, want *mpb.Booking) error {
if got.GetBookingId() == "" {
return errors.New("booking_id is empty")
if diff := cmp.Diff(got.GetSlot(), want.GetSlot(), cmp.Comparer(proto.Equal)); diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("slots differ (-got +want)\n%s", diff)
// UserId is the only required field for the partner to return.
if diff := cmp.Diff(got.GetUserInformation().GetUserId(), want.GetUserInformation().GetUserId()); diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("users differ (-got +want)\n%s", diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got.GetPaymentInformation(), want.GetPaymentInformation(), cmp.Comparer(proto.Equal)); diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("payment information differs (-got +want)\n%s", diff)
if diff := cmp.Diff(got.GetStatus(), mpb.BookingStatus_CONFIRMED); diff != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("status differs (-got +want)\n%s", diff)
return nil
// BuildIdempotencyToken creates a unique token based on the slot and user attempting to book the slot.
func BuildIdempotencyToken(a *fpb.Availability, u string) string {
r := a.GetResources()
parts := []string{a.GetMerchantId(), a.GetServiceId(), strconv.FormatInt(a.GetStartSec(), 10), strconv.FormatInt(a.GetDurationSec(), 10), r.GetStaffId(), r.GetRoomId(), u}
key := strings.Join(parts, "")
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(key)))
// BuildSlotFrom creates a bookingservice slot from an feed availability record.
func BuildSlotFrom(a *fpb.Availability) (*mpb.Slot, error) {
startTime, err := ptypes.TimestampProto(time.Unix(a.GetStartSec(), 0))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r := a.GetResources()
return &mpb.Slot{
MerchantId: a.GetMerchantId(),
ServiceId: a.GetServiceId(),
StartTime: startTime,
Duration: ptypes.DurationProto(time.Duration(a.GetDurationSec()) * time.Second),
AvailabilityTag: a.GetAvailabilityTag(),
Resources: &mpb.Resources{
StaffId: r.GetStaffId(),
RoomId: r.GetRoomId(),
PartySize: r.GetPartySize(),
}, nil
// BuildMerchantServiceMap creates a key value pair of unique services to all of their availability slots.
func BuildMerchantServiceMap(av []*fpb.Availability) map[SlotKey][]*fpb.Availability {
m := make(map[SlotKey][]*fpb.Availability)
for _, a := range av {
key := SlotKey{
MerchantID: a.GetMerchantId(),
ServiceID: a.GetServiceId(),
StaffID: a.GetResources().GetStaffId(),
RoomID: a.GetResources().GetRoomId(),
m[key] = append(m[key], a)
return m